07 November, 2012



I can say that my first semester on my 2nd year in College was really a productive one.  I may not be the best among the class, but I still maintained my grades not to get an average of 2.0 (yehey).  What makes it more beautiful to think is that, I am not hoping for the higher grade.  I am just praying not to get many 2's in the card.  Lord is really good, He doesn't want me to lost my scholarship.

The scholarship demands for a general average of 2.5, and thank God, I am more on that grade.  I am not so confident to share and speak out loud my 1.6 average (haha).  Well I know, it's hard to have that grade.  It is all because of my hardwork and willingness to pass all my subject, and also my passion of becoming an educator someday.

My grade is composed of these numerical coefficient in their respective subjects........

TLE (major).....................................1.3
Computer Literacy..........................1.8
English 3.........................................1.4
Filipino 3.........................................2.5  (due to the terror instructor)
Chemistry (lecture)..........................1.7
Chemistry (laboratory).....................1.6
Child Psychology..............................1.8
Teaching Professions.......................2.1 (I'm not good in Law)
Field Study.......................................1.1

I thank my ever good and beloved instructors and professors of believing my strength and capabilities.  Singot ang akoang puhunan aning gradoha (sweat was my capital for this grade).  Also, I thank DANAO ASSOCIATION U.S.A. for the scholarship grant, and also for believing me.

I thank God, my parents, DAUSA Org., my friends, classmates and to all who have been part of my college life.  Major Major thanks to you all!!!

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